sazenice chmele

Dr. Osvald’s research laboratory of V. F. HUMULUS, s.r.o.

sazenice chmele

Main activities

Our research laboratory has long been active in the breeding of new hop varieties. First registered hop variety of our own was the Saaz Special, which combines the qualities of original Saaz hops with higher alpha acid levels, higher yields and higher resistance to current changes in climate.

Simultaneously, there are several other breeding programmes aimed at introduction of new varieties adapted at low trellis construction, as well as new flavour varieties that could be used for brewing of ales.

We also produce and sell in-vitro propagated virus free hop plants of Saaz variety, which are used for rejuvenation of older hop gardens.


Professional qualification of our laboratory is repetitively proven by passing the inter-laboratory comparative tests.

Hop analyses

Conductometric value of hops (EBC 7.4 a 7.5)
Determination of alpha bitter acid contents in hops.

Spectrophotometric determination of bitter compounds in hops (UV-VIS) and hop storage index (HSI)
Determination of alpha and beta bitter acids, including hop storage index (HSI).

HPLC (EBC 7.7)
Determination of alpha and beta bitter acid contents (including individual analogues) using high capacity liquid chromatograph, determination of cohumulone and colupulone.

Determination of single components of hop oils using gas chromatography with weight spectrophotometer, used for confirmation of variety origin (aka “fingerprinting”).

Imunoenzymatic determination of presence of viruses in hops (ApMV, HMV, PRNSV, HLV and ArMV).

Pesticide residue analises – multiresidual methods

Determination of pesticide residue levels in hops using gas chromatography with weight spectrophotometer

Determination of pesticide residue levels in hops using gas chromatography with weight spectrophotometer


About the laboratory

The company V.F. HUMULUS, s.r.o., a member of TOP HOP GROUP, was founded in 1994. Ever since the beginning, main focus of this company has been hop research focused mainly at the traditional Saaz Fine Aroma Hops. In 1997 we opened a new laboratory that allowed us to produce our own new in-vitro hop plant material as well as perform a wide range of chemical analyses of hops. This laboratory was later moved to the premises of the newly built TOP HOP production plant in Hořesedly.



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V. F. HUMULUS, s.r.o.

+420 415 711 712
Registered office
Hořesedly 153, 270 04 Hořesedly, Czech Republic
Analytical laboratory
Hořesedly 153, 270 04 Hořesedly, Czech Republic